Thursday, May 17, 2007

The New Era of Basketball

In this new era of basketball, as I like to call it, Basketball has become a shoot, pass, or maybe dunk sport. There is little defense and little emphasis on the basic skills. All people really care about are the 3's, the highlight dunks, and maybe even the amazing 'Steve Nash' esque passes. Pretty much people see basketball as how the Phoenix Suns play, running shooting and scoring a whole lot of points. This is the new ere of basketball. If you want to be part of this wave you better know how to shoot. Knowing how to shoot and being able to shoot well are two different things. There are certain fundamentals to a shot, like where you're feet should be under you, where your hands should be and making sure that it is all one smooth motion. Being able to shoot and score is pretty much the goal of basketball. People don't want to see teams grind it out and play defense the whole game, they want to see high scoring high tempo and high flying basketball.High flying basketball. Most people are not gifted with the ability of a vertical leap. Some are, and good for them! Ha, but anyway, if you aren't one of those few it doesn't mean that you too can't make your vertical jump higher. Many people use different strategies in increase their vertical. Think about it, with a higher vertical you can grab more rebounds, make you're jump shot better and even block more shots. Everyone likes blocking shots!Well these are just a few things about the new era of basketball and what you should focus on when it comes to your game. I personally have made my game better by working on my fundamentals for my jump shot and increasing my vertical by 10 inches! So, take heart and put some effort into your game.

I found this article that gives some Ideas about increasing your vertical jump.

Just a few summers ago, I had the most pathetic vertical jump around. I couldn’t even come close to touching the rim, I was slow, and I was always the white boy on the basketball court. I decided to do something about it. I invested in a vertical jump program and, over the course of 12 weeks, proceeded to spend a lot of time doing the exercises and workouts.
Much to my surprise, after just a few weeks, I touched the rim for the first time! I couldn’t believe it! I still remember that feeling-that rush of exhilaration the first time I did it. It was right before basketball practice, and needless to say I was pretty pumped up.
Over the course of the next 12 weeks, I proceeded to gain 11 inches on my vertical jump. I was grabbing the rim easily, and in fact by the end I could almost dunk a basketball! My foot speed just went through the roof, and to make a long story short, I was a totally different basketball player.
There are many great exercises you can do to jump higher, but one of the most important aspects has nothing to do with jumping exercises at all. It has to do with your eating habits. Eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible, and try to eat as little meat or diary products as you can. You will notice a huge increase in your energy level, and you will probably gain a few inches on your vertical jump just from changing this alone. Also, make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
When investing in a vertical jump program don’t simply do the exercises, but get out and play and practice jumping aggressively as well. Just doing the exercises will net you a few inches here or there, but to really see an increase you will need to play often and practice jumping a lot. Work hard and you may even double your vertical jump like I did!
Josh Neumann is an expert on increasing athlete's vertical jumps

This is learning from the PROs. Professional basketball players give you the inside scoop
Go Basketball Pro

This is a guide to help you work on your game
Stever Pavlovic

Thirteen different programs to help increase vertical jump

The Vertical Jump - the best vetical jump product out there

Increase You're vertical jump in days
Go Up Strong